Each ready-to-use mix contains carefully selected and perfectly balanced ingredients.
Our range also includes sodium-free, phosphate-free, gluten-free, and low-ammonia-emission products. With appropriate formulations, faster or slower leavening can be achieved, suitable for every type of product.
We can develop highly customized formulations for special projects.
Available in light and dark versions, their usage dosage varies depending on specific needs and applications:
Galax Chiaro is made from precooked rice only has cream color.
Scuro is made from rice and wheat has brown color.
We propose a variety of emulsified creams, differentiated by their composition and the presence or absence of dextrose and sugar, to meet diverse baking requirements with precision and quality.
Malted wheat flour, obtained with the classic method of wheat germination followed by low-temperature drying, preserves intact enzymatic activity.
Malt extracts in powder form, either enzymatically active or inactive, provide finished products with volume, color and crispiness.
It prevents rope formation in bread resulting from microbial contamination, without altering the taste of the finished product.