Ideal for baking belts.
Ideal for moulds and trays.
Ideal for deep moulds.
Stac Spray is a multipurpose release agent in a 500ml convenience spray form. It contains vegetable oils, vegetable waxes and lecitin.
Stac release agents should be applied in thin layer by spraying machine, brush-and-pad, or manually by stencils.
Stac release agents are stable to oxidation and, in normal usage conditions, do not affect the taste and flavor of the baked products.
In case of Teflon treated baking moulds, a thin layer of Stac will help the releasing action further, and will protect the coating, therefore delaying the need of re-tefloning.
Saca Stac release agents are made from GMO free materials, with no use of ionizing treatments. They are all Kosher and Halal certified.
Recommended wharehousing temperature is 15-25°C. It is advisable to take the required quantity into the production area, a few days prior its use. This will allow the release agents to reach the ideal viscosity.
The Stac range is available in 20 liters canisters, 210 liters drums and 1000 liters tanks.
For best lubrication, it is advisable to apply Stac 5C in a thin and uniform layer.
Stac 5C is oxidation stable, and does not affect the taste and flavour of the baked products.
Especially in case of soft and sticky dough, Stac 5C will help the dough handling and reduce frequency of plant cleaning operations.
Stac 5C, being an all-natural and vegetable lubrication agent, it can replace synthetic or mineral oils, no longer allowed by most of the Food Legislations.
Recommended wharehousing temperature is 15-25° C.It is advisable to take the required quantity into the production area a few days in advance, to its use, in order it can reach the optimal viscosity.
STAC 5 C is available in 20 liters canisters, 210 liters drums and 1000 liters tanks.